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–Alana's thoughts and teachings on the monthly sacred theme
–A video integration & blessing from Alana each month
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Community of the Sacred

The heart needs sacred places for spiritual homecoming, a place that honours the soul and the sacred, where we can be completely free to discover and be our real selves, embrace our authentic life journey, and be supported, guided with wisdom, and nourished through that process.

We need that place where priorities make sense to the heart, and instead of judgement, we encounter courage and encouragement. In such a place we realise our deep soul need to connect and create consciously and compassionately. We find the spiritual self esteem to prioritise our own healing, and develop the skills to shine our light for the benefit of our beautiful planet and her precious creatures.

In our community, we are for the soul, for the sacred and for humanity. We work, play and express our way towards awakening our full sacred potential in many creative, inspired and grounded ways. We gather with intention to access spiritual energy, inviting wild divine wisdom to awaken in our hearts – for even though such sacred wildness is unpredictable, we know it to be trustworthy and gracious. We believe in each other and in our capacity to genuinely and positively contribute to the spiritual evolution of humanity. Beloved, we warmly welcome you to join us.





Your Journey

Join Alana Fairchild for spiritually intimate conscious community, where we connect, create and celebrate.

From active memberships to powerful online courses, you will be supported to heal yourself, others and our planet.

Our Community of the Sacred answers the deep heart calling to become a light to heal all on our planet and beyond.

Meet Alana
"Your stumbles are sacred and part of how you discover your magic. You were born to realise the innate uniqueness of your soul and share your spiritual beauty with the world. Together we witness, encourage and uplift each other, co-creating a way of empowerment and peace."
May you attract something beautiful and blessed in your life, to help you realise that a new beginning of grace is here for you now.
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