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My Oracle Card Reading

Beautiful pathways to divine guidance for your life path.

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Our Terms and Conditions

We will provide

Hi-resolution headshot (at least 1000px by 1000px). introductory biography list of relevant social media links

Our promotion will entail

Mention in our newsletter. 1 x social media post across three social media platforms. Listing on events page at Please note - we do not cross promote other authors to our email list.

Scheduling and Pre-interview discussion

The more notice you can give us to find a date to commit to, the more likely we are able to do so. We cannot commit to an additional time window for pre-interview discussion. However, we can allocate an additional ten minutes prior to interview, to discuss format & flow; a private warm up conversation, sound check, and a logistical run through if needs be. We are happy to receive talking points to review or answer questions in the lead up via email. Please advise of your requirements.

Social Media

We have permission to quote any part of the interview on our website, social media and digital communications

Release Agreement

The podcast with Alana shall be available for free and never repackaged or reproduced for sale without express written permission from Alana. Alana retains the final right to veto proposed sale of the interview. This clause overrides any other clause that may counter it.

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May you attract something beautiful and blessed in your life, to help you realise that a new beginning of grace is here for you now.
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