Who hasn’t fallen, at some point in her life, into the deep, dark place of fear, regret, despair or heartbreak? And once there, wished for some comforting words or simply a hand to hold, or a hug? If you find yourself there, reach for The Black Madonna. The music envelops you, mimicking the Mother’s heartbeat, accompanied by Alana Fairchild’s deep and soothing voice, guiding you to healing.
…The first two tracks are guided meditations spoken by Fairchild, with the same chanting melody used in the background for both. Fairchild’s powerful meditations lead you deep into imagery designed to transform pain into comforting grace. “Alchemy of the Black Rose,” the first track, leads you to a vast internal space where you meet several divine feminine beings, who help you surrender pain and all else that does not serve. These are transformed into black roses, symbols of your healing. The next track, “Pillar of Holy Black Fire,” continues the vivid imagery as you pass through the pillar and receive the gifts of the white dove and the black diamond, symbolizing radical transformation of struggle into grace.
…The third is a music-only track in which the background chanting from the meditations takes center stage. Here the artist invokes Kali Ma, the terrifying yet kind Hindu goddess of empowerment, time and change, one of the manifestations of the Black Madonna. Here you can meet the Dark Mother in your own way, to
continue with Fairchild’s imagery or substitute your own.
…The Black Madonna is the latest of Fairchild’s CDs; others explore Isis, Kuan Yin, Ganesh, and inner work such as chakra balancing. She’s also written books and oracle decks and produced DVDs around these themes. She is concerned with awakening the divine within each of us, moving us closer to living in grace and receiving the many gifts therein. This CD certainly accomplishes that, if you allow yourself to fall deeply into its healing trance.
3 tracks, 54 minutes