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Divine Lotus Mother

Divine Lotus Mother – Meditations with Kuan Yin Kuan Yin stirs our hearts, ignites our souls with passionate love of peace, and lifts us to a place of such sublime beauty, we cannot help but surrender into the magnificence of our own divine lotus nature.
  • Description
    • Kuan Yin stirs our hearts, ignites our souls with passionate love of peace, and lifts us to a place of such sublime beauty, we cannot help but surrender into the magnificence of our own divine lotus nature. She calls you to her now. When we connect with Kuan Yin, we are connecting with the Divine Feminine. Within us unfolds higher feminine consciousness, whether man or woman, we become increasingly able to channel the Divine Mother and her gifts of Grace, Healing, Gentleness and Compassion. May these meditations bring you deep into connection with the Divine Lotus Mother, her gentleness, fierce love and compassion, and her endless devotion to your enlightenment and peace.

      Kuan Yin’s Mirror (21:07)
      Ocean of Love (21:04)
      Lotus Interlude (16:05)

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