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‘Your Own Magic’ Podcast Raquelle Mantra

Alana chats with Raquelle on pathways to a connection with the Divine, the Divine Feminine energy and differences between the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine, Alana’s creative and channeling processes, the beautiful play with numbers, and more. Get ready to listen to this enlightening and fun conversation, perhaps more than once – it’s a love song to the Divine.

Divine energy, rather like Mother Nature, is One, yet with many expressions. In this chat with Raquelle Mantra, it was wonderful to explore some of the distinctions between the Divine Feminine energy and the Divine Masculine, energy, and how those energies can support us as human beings.

We also explore the idea of many different pathways to a legitimate and nourishing connection with the Divine, and that each of us will have a path that best suits us.

I share some of my creative and channelling processes, the beautiful play of sacred numbers in my life, and more. This whole conversation felt like a love song to the Divine.




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