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Mother Mary Oracle: Journal & Book of Sacred Practices

Mother Mary Oracle Journal & Book of Sacred Practices Discover a closer relationship with Mother Mary and experience her kindness, presence and protection with this unique journal. The beautiful spiritual practices include a silent or inner sound healing, love alchemy for karmic clearing, a process for requesting divine assistance and a sacred ritual for mourning loss and welcoming renewal.
  • Description
    • Mother Mary Oracle Journal & Book of Sacred Practices A divine mother to all hearts in need, Mary is our guardian, guide and sanctuary. She soothes, inspires, heals, and helps us find the grace, dignity, and gratitude needed to transform suffering into wisdom, so we can continue our journey with courage, confident of purpose, and guaranteed our destiny.

      Develop a closer relationship with Mother Mary and experience her kindness, presence and protection with this unique journal. The beautiful spiritual practices include a silent sound healing, love alchemy for karmic clearing, asking for divine assistance and a sacred ritual for mourning loss and welcoming renewal. Inspired guidance, stunning imagery and plenty of space for your own reflections and outpourings make this journal a sacred space where you can connect and heal with our beloved lady.

      Hearing the truth of the heart may necessitate action that you would rather not take. However, Our Lady speaks to you of courage, trust, and her loving protection as you honour your heart.

  • Product Details
    • Publisher: Blue Angel Gallery; 1st edition (1 October 2020)
      Artwork: Shiloh Sophia McCloud
      Language‏: ‎English
      Paperback‏: ‎220 pages
      ISBN: 978-0-6487467-7-5
      Size: 18 cm (w) x 23.5 cm (h)

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