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Ganesha is an ancient elephant-headed deity with a powerful energy that removes obstacles and bestows grace. He assures us of divine success in all of our endeavors.
  • Description
    • Using the healing sounds of the crystal bowl and mantra, Alana guides you in meditation to meet the loving energy of Ganesha.

      Ganesha is an ancient elephant-headed deity with a powerful energy that removes obstacles and bestows grace. He assures us of divine success in all of our endeavors. These meditations connect you with Ganesha for your own divine success. This is more than simply having greater wealth and wellbeing, although it does include those things. It is also about living in a way that nourishes the soul, where success is sweet and doesn’t cost us what matters most but brings more of what genuinely enriches us into our lives.

      Waterfall Healing with Ganesha (23.57)
      Bridge of Transition with Ganesha (26.03)
      Mountain of Ganesha (28.20)

      Total running time: 78 mins

Ganesha Sample

"Ganesha Sample" from Alana Fairchild's Album by Alana Fairchild. Released: 2013.

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