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Inner Power

Divine Power is the divine electricity that switches us on, taking our enormous potential and turning it into reality made manifest in the world.
  • Description
    • Awakening Your Infinite Divine Potential

      Inner Power Meditations

      Divine Power is the divine electricity that switches us on, taking our enormous potential and turning it into reality made manifest in the world. Most of us on an inner journey are familiar with the qualities of love and light. With the addition of the third heavenly quality of divine power, we become empowered to walk our talk, to live our divine light in tangible ways in the world. Through growing your own power, you become more capable of being all that you are destined to be in service to divine love. In this CD we work with Durga, the tiger-riding goddess that defeats fear and instills us with courage to step fearlessly onto our path and be our light in the world that so needs it.

      Power within your Soul (21.00)
      Power of your Mind (21.02)
      Power within your Body (21.02)

      Total run time approx 63 minutes.

Inner Power Meditation Sample

"Inner Power Meditation Sample" From Alana Fairchild's Album By Alana Fairchild. Released: 2013.

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