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Sacred Voice

The Soul has its own unique sound. When we hear it, we feel. Emotion, bliss, truth, energy. It causes us to awaken and heal, to change and grow, becoming more of our true selves. The results can be extraordinary. Mantra is used on this album. You will intuitively understand them because you will feel the love in them. Be and receive the sound of the soul beloved. It will help you remember who you are and just be.
  • Description
    • Individual track descriptions:


      Tara is an enigmatic, multi-faceted and popular goddess amongst various religious traditions. She loves and responds to those who call to her. She is exceptionally powerful and will offer healing, protection, guidance and assistance with great compassion to any who genuinely ask for her help. Her mantra as I was initiated into it is Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soham. You will hear this mantra and some other versions of it in the Tara track, including a different ending of Swaha which is the Hindu ending of the mantra. These versions of the mantra call upon Tara as a benevolent goddess filled with blessings. What you need She brings. Om Tara!

      The Archangels

      This piece of music was written before I knew what it was for – until one moment I was playing one phrase over and over again on my piano and I suddenly felt the angels reaching out from the music to me. I knew then it was for them. Angelic energy is powerful. We can imagine it light and fluffy, but it really packs a punch! There are different angels called upon in this track, including the four main archangels of Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel and two angels that were said to be brothers – Metatron and Sandalphon, and others. When I am calling in sacred space, I call upon these six archangels. It creates a beautiful energy in the room. Imagine when you hear this track that the angels are gathering around you. Relax and be in the bliss of their loving protection, peace and guidance.


      Gaia is the soul of our planet. In the Vedic tradition she is known as a goddess and called Parameshwari (which means supreme goddess). In Tibetan culture, Gaia is known as a peaceful enlightened female Buddha called Loachana. These names and the Sanskrit mantra Om Hrim Shrim Klim Parameshwari Swaha help clear fear about being in the body in this physical world, to see beyond the illusions of the physical world into the spiritual light ‘hiding’ in our bodies, in our lives, like a divine game of hide-and-seek. Sometimes you need a divine mother – guide to surrender into, to just allow yourself to be held and for a divine being that loves you to help weather the storms of your life, to offer you sanctuary and shelter, to help you find a place of peace whilst Life unfolds as it always does and sorts out the details for you.


      Jagatambe is known in the Hindu tradition as the Queen of the Universe. She is a name for the creative force from which all Life flows. We call upon her for joy, for energy, for inspiration, protection and divine love. And pretty much anything else we might want to create in our lives.The mantra used for Jagatambe in this track is Jagatambe Jai Jai Ma which basically means, May the Divine Feminine Succeed and Help me out now please! Mata Bhavani Jaya Jai calls in Divine Love and Creativity to assist us in formulating solutions for any stuck patterns or situations in our lives too. Jagatambe is a light and joyful mantra that was written in the shortest time possible! I wasn’t even sure who the music was for, but it just popped into my head and then as it was laid down in the studio, Jagatambe was there in it. A successful game of divine hide-and-seek!

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