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My Oracle Card Reading

Beautiful pathways to divine guidance for your life path.

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Love Your Path and Live Your Purpose

Sacred Pathways



You were born with a purpose only you can live.

Held deep in your heart, your purpose is your destiny. It is the key to your personal fulfilment and meaningful contribution to the world.

You have the power to attune yourself to infinite divine resources and overcome obstacles to express your most inspired visions. Now is the time to live your precious life with all of your heart.


Join us on a series of six inner pilgrimages from your sacred space at home, guided live online with Alana, as we connect at a spiritual level through ritual with holy sites of Our Lady around the world, opening our hearts to Her graceful, saving and miraculous love.



With gratitude, we acknowledge humanity’s elders, past, present and emerging. We honour the Traditional Guardians of the lands where we live, work and travel. With a spirit of sacred kinship as one human family, we recognise that human life is a precious gift, worthy of respect, and every human being possesses innate dignity and a life journey that holds meaning, purpose and value.

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