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Beautiful pathways to divine guidance for your life path.

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Creative Visionary. Guiding Light.

Spiritual vanguard and maverick visionary, Alana Fairchild flows ahead of the curve with an inclusive, unconventional and creative spirituality communicated through her prolific and multifaceted sacred offerings to heal humanity.


About Alana Fairchild

Alana is an artist of a different kind. A talented, creative powerhouse of inspiration, she expresses herself with versatility, originality and purpose.

With a loving sense of humour and an open nature, Alana weaves a quality of magic through her presence and her work, radiating a field of energy that vitalises and comforts. She is a rare being with access to a nourishing channel of vitalising spiritual ‘juice’ that genuinely stimulates spiritual awakening and spiritual healing.

Her energy is a consciousness catalyst for transformation, with a gentleness, purity and potency that sets her apart.

Alana's body of work

"May you realise the strength and intelligence of your heart, and trust in its guidance, especially through times of transition, when our faith must be greater."


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