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My Oracle Card Reading

Beautiful pathways to divine guidance for your life path.

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Isis Oracle

The High Priest or Priestess within you walks the path of divine love, power and wisdom. This is the path of spiritual self-mastery where we are initiated through the darkness of struggle into the light of love.
  • Description
    • The High Priest or Priestess within you walks the path of divine love, power and wisdom. This is the path of spiritual self-mastery where we are initiated through the darkness of struggle into the light of love. The 44 cards and guidebook help you apply the Ancient Mystery teachings of Isis in practical ways to help you navigate through the experiences and challenges in your daily life. Allow the Goddess to help you reactivate your own soul talents of healing, magic and more as you journey with her from darkness and uncertainty into light, love and power.

  • Product Details
    • Artwork by: Jimmy Manton

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