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My Oracle Card Reading

Beautiful pathways to divine guidance for your life path.

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White Light Oracle

Healing Medicines of White Light. You have a light within you. Trust in that light and in your own courage. The light is strong enough to guide, support and empower you to fulfill your sacred purpose of healing and soulful manifestation. White light holds all the colours, all the frequencies needed for healing ourselves, each other, our planet, and all her precious creatures. It is divine medicine for the soul, empowering the heart, clarifying the mind, and awakening higher consciousness.
  • Description
    • I had been dreaming of writing this deck with the visionary art of A. Andrew Gonzalez for years. Finally it is the time to release it. I loved the unexpected creative pathways that opened up in writing this deck. The integration of sound frequencies, states of consciousness through brain waves, and the presence of numerous high-level beings was woven together by Spirit and the result is something quite startling but beautiful and original. May all souls in need be nourished by the best and most beautiful sacred medicines.

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